You know you are a true songwriter and music producer when you go to work, out on the town, on a date or even when sleeping and all you can do is think about making music. The love of music includes networking, finishing your music and working on your music business, all which can be both mentally and physically draining when thinking about it ALL the time..
This can both be good and bad…
To most people around you, it may appear that you are extremely dedicated to your love but the reality is having music on your mind to that extent can reduce making music to just thinking about it. When I used to work a day job, I used to fantasize all day about playing my guitar – from when I got up to on the way home… Then when I got home I procrastinated and some days didn’t even play!
It’s so easy to spend all day planning and talking about music non-stop but never take action and write a song, pick up your instrument or make a beat.
Instead of doing your norm this weekend, do something you haven’t done before or something you haven’t done in a long time. Go for a walk, take a trip to a park you have never been and walk, or drive around town in an area you enjoy. Then watch your thoughts, watch your emotions, and watch your fears… Just pay attention, see what they’re doing… If the urge comes to write about them or if you have no desire to write but want to indulge the moment, so be it…
By stepping outside of the norm and doing something different, take a risk and write a song that is different, it will push different thoughts, different emotions, and give new inspiration to life and music… In turn this will start a whole new dialogue of songwriting ideas, melody ideas and new approaches to making music productions.