how to unlock songwriting

How to Unlock your Songwriting and Music Production

“We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other peoples’ models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open.” (Shakti Gawain)

When writing, don’t censor your ‘inner artist’. Let your emotions flow through your pen and let your creativity pour out onto your paper. Get your feelings and thoughts out of your head – don’t be scared of what’s inside you! Most importantly, capture the emotions of what you are writing.

You can always focus on structure or rewrite it again later but you may never feel that same emotion again… This applies to songwriting, music production or any type of creativity for that matter.

Tutorial: How to Unlock your Songwriting and Music Production.

  1. After studying, researching and identifying where you need to grow and learn.. set aside 1-3 hours of time, find a quiet and inspirational place to listen to your creativity.
  2. Forget about everything you have learned. Forget about the music industry and what everyone else is doing.
  3. Listen to yourself, your thoughts, emotions and any creative ideas about songwriting and music production and capture them. Just keep writing until your inspiration is done. Keep vibing and making beats until inspiration has run out. Don’t think, just do! This is very important.
  4. Afterwards, think on what you have learned, what everyone is doing in your style of music and measure it, edit it, arrange it. Get into the technical thinking to make sure the creation is where you want it technically.

The key to unlocking your songwriting and music production is to keep practicing this process so your music creativity gets faster and faster. By getting on a schedule and practicing this process 1-3 times a week, you will stay inspired, strengthen your music creativity muscles and greatly increase your song and music production library.

If there is anything we can help you with, setup a free training consultation below.


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I think what you say is true. for my experience (I’m not a professionist) what’s wonderful in making music is to be free, to let things go out. music creation, like every form of art, is all about emotions and vibrations, not about brain and mind… that’s what can make your art different, unique and interesting for other people


You couldn’t have said it any plainer. that’s real talk you spittin’ and it’s greatly appreciated.


Couldn’t have said it any plainer. That’s real talk u spittin’ Ed. And u are greatly appreciated.