
How To Be More Productive (A Success Tip) – Teal Swan

Teal’s web page: http://tealswan.com/ ❤ Teal’s Meditations: http://www.jointeallive.com/meditations/ ❤ Teal’s eshop: https://gumroad.com/tealswan Productiv…
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how do i distinguish distraction from information??


Simply 59,244 views? Nah, this woman needs to be on ABC.?


so much truth! so glad i found teal!?


Video games are a part of being productive actually… And my favorite
comedy shows are wonderful companions during work just like good chill out
music. Your ideas on your video are fine for average person but useless for
the unstable, creative, high speed working artistic minds who get easily
bored. I can’t think of myself bordered with that kind of rules you
mentioned on your video… I’d probably lost all my creativity. A better
resource for being productive is The Artists Way book by Julia Cameron
which contains time tested and solid information with a lot of useful tools
to help being more creative and productive.?


Great advice, but what if one uses an occasional game to clear the mind, or
what if someones productivity is producing a game??


Wow. That is really good advice. Thank you Teal…?


Awesome video, so simple yet so profound!?


This is a great quote Very motivational without a doubt!?


Teal, those are not distractions, those are things we do to avoid what we
are passionate about, avoiding the fear of failure, etc…Thanks for all
the teachings. Bought your book a while ago, and have been trying out your
set of guided meditation in the last few days.?


I have plenty of inspiration and passion, I just don’t know what to use it


Awesome… exactly what I needed to hear. I’m quitting my job at the end
of this month in order to follow my heart and my passions. I have NO fear.
Only gratitude, faith and trust in this process. Thank you Teal <3?


Love you Teal,
This was great! <3?


I am so in love with Teal. Everyone think she’s evil, but her words awaken