If a student wants to become a recording artist, typically for an album to be recorded it costs $2,000 to $10,000, it can take 1-2 years of time and roughly 4-5 people need to be hired. A Songwriter (if not the artist), Music Producer, recording engineer, mixing engineer, mastering engineer. This is before any money is made and not counting marketing, promotion, networking, etc.
If a student wants to become a music producer or audio engineer, the reality is: although major label studios are still in operation, many are closing down. Getting hired by a studio right out of school is not as likely as it used to be. Because of technology, people are not paying for high dollar studio time. With the cost of professional recording gear at an all time low there is more supply than demand in the music business.
Another challenge for music production school students: typical music educations range from $7,000 to $50,000 for certification or a degree. However, they do not include studio equipment or training steps on starting and running a music business. 95% of students who attend these schools never work on the equipment they were taught on again. We have had many reports of students who still do not know how to mix and master their music to the radio standard with their own equipment let alone know how to make money or start their own business.
Many students come home where they left off but stuck and in debt. With the results of typical music educations, students are unable to recoup tuition money back for 10-20 years and will potentially be too much in debt to purchase the equipment they need or to afford studio time.