
Guitar Lesson – Songwriting & How to find chords for a melody – HH#1

Hangout Highlight #1 – A short clip containing an edited ‘best bit’ from the hangout lessons I’ve been having with you guys. Today we were discussing songwri…
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Very excited to announce my first video in my new series – Hangout

The series will be short clips containing all the best bits from the
hangout lessons I’ve been having with you guys.

More Hangout Highlights to come on my second channel. Stay tuned!

See in the description about how to take part in a hangout with me.



it barely took him seconds to recognize what that dude was playing :O
hollllyyyyyy shittttttttttt 😡
Gareth Evans !?? For real bruh ? Amzingggg :O?


When r u coming back with a new video..??
We r missing u and eager to hear ur new guitar…!?


dude… that youre helping your fans personal is just…. awesome, really,
i dont know any other word for this. you are awesome man!?


Sir can you make a tutorial on how to play by ear? Like the one you did in
this video. I want to learn songs just by hearing it but its so hard to
figure out what notes are used for every sound. And can you also make a
cover of The Search is over song by survivor thanks?


Hey gareth theres a song that i really like and im pretty sure that other
too, Medieval song by frederic mesnier, its an amazing song and i cant find
any tutorial or somethong about it, if you could do one that would be


I really want to learn what are words by chris medina, please make a video!


You are smart….both mentally and physically?


cant you do a tutorial on fireflies by sungha jung, love that song:)?


Se volete un valido supporto nel mondo delle cover, nel mondo del SUONARE e
in generale della buona musica, non potete perdervi lui! MITO!


Hello, I just want to say that I really like this youtube channel and I
would love it if you could make a tutorial on “sweet goodbyes” by krezip,
it’s a dutch band so you might not know it but their lyrics are in english
and this song is a great, easy song to learn on the guitar. I can only play
the intro though and i would love learning the rest of the song so it would
be great if you could do a tutorial on it, also for your less experienced

Yours sincerely,


P.S. I’m not a native english speaker, excuse my english.?