
FL Studio Tutorials: Recording Audio pt. 1

FL Studio Tutorials: Recording Audio directly from a microphone, guitar, or any other real instrument or mic.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


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wow the music at the end is horrible?


Haha this helped me and made me laugh, thanks!?


bun nun deh nene bun enen dumnnsnehshs


Hey I tried doing the direct recording into the playlist but it only
records up I the number 2 and then records on the track below automatically
can I fix it to record all the way through


Hey David, i want to record my guitar by using a microphone on the amp, how
would you go about doing it? and two how could i make it so i could hear my
guitar through the amp, but not through the microphone input to the mixer?
hope that makes sense?


Useful!! Whenever you actually look through beat generals in here they
provide FL studio training showing you how you can make beats, mix beats,
master beats, etc for individuals needing a bit of extra help and even
wanting to greatly improve..