
Alicia Keys Tell Us The Secret To Writing Song Lyrics – LINER NOTES

Alicia Keys Tell Us The Secret To Writing Song Lyrics - LINER NOTES

Alicia Keys sat down to take part in our songwriter profile video interview series LINER NOTES. In the interview, the pop superstar tells us how she draws in…
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Worst lyrics ever. And she’s proud lol?


Cool video! I love her songs! I actually am writing a song, I posted it on
my channel, but I would love any critics and tips if anyone wants to hear
it? Her are the lyrics so far:
I think of how the way the world works and it makes me want to shout and
scream at the air an I swear the next person to tell me life’s not fair
gets a highfive with a chair
Well I say that the nice guy gets to finish first and I think that no good
deed needs be punished
If it were up to me every lunch would be free!:) ?


Songwriting advise from Alicia Keys: “For me that is the way to do it, you
know, for it to be a natural experience, an honest experience, a true

Thanks +MetroLyrics
#songwriting #songwriting101 #songwritingtip #songwritinglessons ?


What the hell ever. She is a pop artist. There is no secret to writing
their music. It’s mainly generic and repetitive. She is a girl and she is
on fire. Seriously? We don’t need a tutorial lol about how to come up with


she sucks big donkey c*cks at writing lyrics.?


U were just telling abt how u liked it. And I’m really good at singing and
I wrote a song and I’m probably gonna put it on YouTube?


The way I caught myself staring at her beauty #Predator?


That song is dedicated to Isthar (Statue of the Liberty) Illuminati
message…Read the lyrics, is clear?


a very nice Shirt.. wow :)?


shes very mature. i love Alicia?


I’m the first one to comment!!! YAY XD?