Music Production School Service Policies
Our promise to you is quite simple; We guarantee your complete satisfaction with our music school courses. We are going to take all the risk by giving you a 100% guarantee up to 30 days after you have completed the 7 lesson music course. To receive this guarantee, you have to complete all 7 lessons including homework assignments, making beats, recording, mixing, mastering your own material and starting your own music business.
In the music industry a certificate or degree doesn’t mean anything. Your CD, your music, your recordings from your own studio are your certificate and degree.
What is our Guarantee? Results. At the end of the course you will complete your own song in a few hours and have it sound like what is on the radio. You’ll be able to work out of any studio using any gear. You’ll also be able to write, record, produce, mix and master your own material without any additional expenses. We’ll also help you start your own music business.
This is not an online music course but is an interactive training and mentoring course using a combination of online access, phone and email support giving you 24/7 hands on training with included one-on-one student advisor support. Every question you have will get answered and according to your personal goals. There is no need to pay additional travel and housing costs. With CMPS, your personal studio becomes your personal production and recording school.
Since our courses are primarily training / mentoring / service oriented and also due to information services, digital information, copyright law, & duplication capabilities, all items & services are non-refundable. All music course payment plans must be completed before the textbook and course materials are distributed.
Mixing & Mastering Service Policies
All services require mastering package completion before commencement of services. Final product will not be provided until the balance of the account has been paid. Client will receive up to 3 changes per song. Any further changes are at an additional rate that will be discussed before continuing work. Client will agree to final product before delivery.
Online mixing and mastering service comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee with the final product of your material. Each song that is mixed and or mastered will be approved by the client before final product delivery. All service industry work is non-refundable.
We encourage you to review your production and recordings before submission to ensure that they have the best possible material. You must understand that we will be held blameless for any damaged or badly recorded, and or produced material.
Ordering Online
All items can be ordered through Google Checkout and Paypal.
Our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure online commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet. We do not allow any transactions that do not occur on a Secure connection.
Privacy Policy
The Computer Music Production School pledge that the information you enter will not be shared with any outside party, period. Please be assured that both identity and personal information will be protected. We will never rent, sell or trade your contact information to anyone for any reason. We respect your privacy and hate spam as much as you do!
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