
Ableton Beginner Tutorial – Music Production – Lesson 2 Session View

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Heyy I need some help here please … I have an MPD 32 and when I open a
track with impulse, I touch the pads and nothing happens .. I mean, I get
the signal that my midi instrument is working but it doesnt trigger
anything, but if I touch my keyboard keys, it’ll play ..

And if I open a drum rack and put kicks or anything on, I can play with the
MPD, but not on impulse .. Whats wrong ?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english:)?


What exactly is that “String Pad” comprised of? I’ve been dying for a sound
like that to use for some more melodic pieces.?


I can not preview samples in the browser window now matter what the volume
is on the preview/que volume and my headphones button is blue on the bottom
of the sample window. Is there something I am doing wrong? thanks.


i also wonder how, it doesnt work for me either


Awesome work. You guys have been the biggest help, you’ve no idea. Keep up
the awesome work!


so the program itself doesn’t come with any sounds?


Apparently, .adg files do not play lol but .aif files do. So here’s a
question that’s been BURNING in my mind for a week. When I go to
instruments—>drum rack and I want to preview sounds, all the sounds are
.adg. So how are you suppose to tell what they sound like w/o actually
double clicking them and loading them into the interface as that is time


you fucking go way to fast and show stuff we dint learn yet to open.. wtf..


the tune is designed to show as many techniques in as simple a way as
possible so is inherently its not something that would win any grammys.


why oh why must most people make crappy techno music in these videos arrgh..


handy little vid for someone starting with ableton. i didnt have a clue at
first. but i’m getting there.


It’s a must that I give a thumbs up to all your HELPFUL videos!


why are there only five of the videos on youtube?


it’s so much fun it’s unblievable


i dont have that little blue circle too hear the instument samples , so i
cant hear what they doo , how do i get it ? XD


okay thanks but my lord how crappy techno pop dance trance music is,just


@Oezilla Also, at least the ‘lite’ edition (I’m using the Focusrite
Novation Lite edition) it has limitations as far as number of simultaneous
clips (six, as I recall), number of simultaneous grooves in the groove pool
(three) and probably some more limitations. Of course, the official
resource for all of this would be ableton dot com. Cheers!


I fail to see how any of this makes for a better work flow.. then any other
DAW ? I see NO numbers in db or % to indicate how loud your levels are ?
You seem to constantly be jumping in and out of windows. Why do you have to
push 2 record buttons (arm) just to record something ? Why do you need a
scene button to start stop different tracks? how is that a better workflow?
To each his own.


@chookiessss you use the small square stop buttons at the bottom of the
clip window