
Focusrite // Scarlett 2i2 Audio Interface Tutorial

Focusrite // Scarlett 2i2 Audio Interface Tutorial

Setting up the Scarlett USB Audio Interface featuring two Focusrite preamps. Buy Now: [http://bit.ly/BuyScar2i2YTtut] For a closer look, visit here: http://bit.ly/FocusriteScarlett2i2 ~ Like…


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+Colin van den Heuvel

You simply need to use two 1/4″ TRS Cables.?


Hi +Ozymandias Room

The registration process will be the same with the Scarlett Solo.?


Hello everyone I’m having a clipping problem on my scarlett 2i2 while on
instrument mode and the gain is on 0db..I’m using my washburn xpro50 guitar
it’s active high output with Emg 81 85 pickups..I’m plugging the guitar
directly to the audio interface and using amplitube software for guitar so
basically this is the only problem I’m having hope you can help me out
cheers everyone :)?


Can i hook other hardware devices such as warm audio or external compressor
to the scarlett 2i2? ?


Hello everyone I’m having a clipping issue on my scarlett 2i2 while
plugging in high output instruments the switch is on the instruments mode
with a 0db gain and it’s still clipping.. any solution? Please help !!?


Hello Mr. i have bought focusrite 2i2 last week and, i fallowed exactly all
whatever you said in this video but, i it is still not connecting to my pc
i am using widows xp it gives me the message like
(Power Surge On Hub Port A USB has exceeded the power limits of its hub
i tried from device manager as well some other ways which related to this
problem but still not working, can you please help me what to do? or how to
do? let me mention i use Nuendo software and my pc is not connected to the
internet is internet is important for connecting Focusrite 2i2 or not?
if you kindly help me i will be really thanks full, otherwise i have no
option only to return it back,,,,
thank you in advance?


I’m experiencing 2 problems with my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. One, Ableton
has really bad latency when recording from my mic. Is there any settings
you recommend for removing/reducing latency with the 2i2? Also, I tried to
use 2 different 1/4 TRS cable to record audio from my iphone into a Ableton
track and the audio is really low, there’s a lot of noise in the track, as
well as the color around input 2 doesn’t light up from the audio coming in
from my iphone. Is there anyway to fix this??


Where to download Live Lite 8? Please help, can’t find it anywhere, only
version 9…?


What is wrong with you Focusrite?? ALL of your videos only feature “MAC
OSX” setups. Dammit there are “WINDOWS PC” users in the world as well!!
Im returning my scarlett!?


My pc doesn’t recognize the scarlett 2i2. How do I fix this??


Hey guys… Just purchased and am ready to download software. If I get a
new laptop in future, am I able to download again with same product and
registration code? Or will I be required to repurchased the software.
Thanks for your reply…?


Do I need to use speakers or can I just listen to what I recorded through
my computer??


I have trs cables hooked up from my scarlett to two krk rokit 5 g3
speakers. After not listening to anything for a while and try to play
something I get no sound for about a minute or so and then the sound kicks
on… anyone know whats wrong??


Hi Everyone,

YouTube is not allowing us to reply to individual comments for some reason,
but I want to assure you that we want to offer support to anyone who needs
it. Please direct your questions to
http://us.focusrite.com/answerbase/contact, and we will be more than glad
to assist you further.?


Can i use this as input with a mic, and my own headphones amp as the output
on its own? my headphone amp is connected via USB 🙂 thanks?


Hi, i installed the plug in suite, but it remains as if i haven’t, what do
i do? I can’t open the program?


Hi! Is your studio bundle (i2i, cm25) good for recording guitar amp??


Can i record two separate tracks at the same time? For example, I plug in a
mic and a guitar at the same time so i can play guitar and sing along. I
want to get a track for the guitar and a track for the voice. Is it


What cables do you use between the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 and the KRK
speakers ?? :)?


great post man just got the 2i2 yesterday in a bundle with my akg great
would definitely recommend to anyone out there?